Sembra che dopo la fuoriuscita dei vari payload del Treu Blue e del Cobra USB, qualcuno stia pensando di correre ai ripari creando un nuovo dongle che, stando ai vari rumor, oltre a rendere disponibili molti più titoli compatibili, avrebbe una caratteristica che molti osannerebbero, quella di poter accedere al Live della PS3 (SEN).
Il rumor ci arriva direttamente da PS3Crunch:
Reading GaryOPA’s thoughts on the last closed thread that went off topic, it seems we have the okay to start a new thread specifically about what was discussed before.
There was a mention from two users that — according to “supplier contacts” — the new plan for True Blue is to release a new version of the dongle in order to play more games and to have PSN support.
I figured this deserved its own thread for all the speculation/rumors/thoughts on this, to avoid it seeping into everywhere else.
My two cents: Not sure what this is for. If they made a separate PSN dongle, that’s fine. Let them. I don’t want to use PSN. But even I — who have been forced to upgrade several DS carts just to keep developing on DSi/3DS/etc. — think this is a bad maneuver.
JB King has not yet released anything showing they can support the last round of EBOOTs (SCV, Tekken, etc), so it seems odd they would want to release a new hardware revision.
Il nuovo dongle dovrebbe uscire a fine mese, non sappiamo se riferito a Febbraio o Marzo. Prendete tale notizia con le dovute distanze in quanto resta un Rumor con la “R” maiuscola.
Non ci resta che attendere ulteriori novità al riguardo, non appena ce ne saranno vi aggiorneremo.
Stay Tuned!
non ci credo ..
potrebbe essere…