ASTools PS 3 si aggiorna alla versione 2.3. Vi abbiamo già parlato di questa applicazione in passato (LEGGI ARTICOLO) che è in pratica uno strumento tutto fare, che aggiornandosi alla versione 2,3 introduce due nuove funzionalità fondamentali, cioè un nuovo metodo di correzione degli EBOOT e la possibilità di unire più pacchetti in uno solo.
Di seguito la changelog:
- Added right-click to extract the package files (ie you have this option or do not do this)
- Added possibility to check firmware (Czech md5, firmware type and firmware version, eg firmware or any I do not know and I’m told. jailbreak firmware):
- Added Game Tools tab
- Added ability to package the easiest possible way! The most convenient method in which a child could do it 5 months. (I say that with hard work behind this was simply a tough kid from the team address)
- Added possibility to convert a package to a package! For example, you can play the 2 or 3 pkg files as they are updated or crack Ydvnh package to convert.
- Added the possibility to build SFB files
- Added ability to decode:
- Added methods of using the AS fixed EBOOT MM is much simpler and better
- Bug EBOOT Fisk
- Update to find the game ID (about 2-3 seconds before the mess and some did not but now I find updated Harrow ID)
- and several additions and bug fixes I like more (Added icons to the top bar, click Restart, deleting temp is getting better, making the guide, select Help for Farsi, and and and and)
Per tutti coloro che sono interessati all’applicazione di seguito il download diretto—>LINK
Have Fun!