Come preannunciato più volte sono iniziati i preordini della nuova chicca targata team xecuter, lo Xecuter Demon. Direttamente dal loro forum ufficiale il team annuncia l’inizio dei preordini del nuovo supporto Dual NAND per XBox 360.
Dall’annuncio possiamo capire che per le prime settimane sarà disponibile solamente una versione, quella per NAND da 16mb, in seguito inizierà la vendita al dettaglio anche per tutte le NAND “big block”.
Il nuovo chip targato Team Xecuter permetterà di avere una XBox 360 Slim con la funzionalità del dual boot, in pratica potremo montare sulla console un Kernel originale e uno con modifica, intercambiabili fra loro.
Di seguito troverete tutte le caratteristiche dello Xecuter Demon (in inglese):
- True NextGen Dual NAND Device
- Rock Solid Stability & Design
- Both Phat & Slim Versions
- Phat Small Block (SB 16MB) & Phat Big Block (BB 256MB / 512MB) Versions Available
- Easy QuickSolder Solution (All Phats & Slim Trinity)
- Wires Only Solder Pads Option (All versions including Corona)
- Easy Switch Between Stock Onboard NAND and Custom NAND
- External Module for USB / Switching / LED’s
- Sync Button NAND Switch Option
- Turbo NAND R/W Mode (16MB Dump Less Than 28 Seconds)
- 100% Parallel Programming (No slow SPI or PIC style Read/Write)
- Built-In USB NAND Read/Write Hardware (NAND-X / Other SPI Hardware Not Required)
- Intelligent Bad Block Re-Mapping
- Onboard MicroUSB for OffLine Testing / Programming
- Xecuter CoolRunner Programming
- Xecuter CoolRunner Enable / Disable Feature
- Includes DemoN to CoolRunner Adapter and FFC Shielded Cable
- Dedicated DemoN ToolBox Software
- Many Low level Commands & Functions For Developers
- Dedicated DLL For 3rd Party Developers To Fully Interface With Demon
- Developer Features Such As Remote Power Included Out-of-the-box
- Serial UART TX/RX Access
- Rock Solid SMC Reset Functions
- 16 Available I/O’s – Huge Add-On Possibilities !
- Many Add-ons & Extra Features In Development
- Supports Phat JTAG Installs (Inc All Xecuter QSB JTAG Kits)
- No Lifting of CE Pin on Both Phat & Slim
- No Trace Cuts on Both Phat & Slim
- Custom Software & Drivers
- Fully Upgradeable Firmware
- Proven Xecuter Build Quality & Warranty
- Designed & Tested By Several Major Names In The Xbox Homebrew Scene