Per tutti gli appassionati dei vecchi giochi Atari c’è una grande notizia, con questa nuova applicazione sarà possibile avere un vero e proprio emulatore su PlayStation 3. Sicuramente veder “girare” giochi del vecchio Atari su una macchina come la PS3 è un po’ come vedere Belen vistata da suora, sempre bella ma…
Di seguito le parole del Developer con il rispettivo download.
A Lame hatari 1.6.1 DBG release for PS3.
What?: A quick port of hatari 1.6.1 to ps3 using PSL1GHTV2.
Why? : Because i like old atari computer
Who? : RtypeSo far ,i ve just compil the lastest hatari src (1.6.1) with psl1ghtv2 (SDL used) and i only make few hacks to done it work (a little) .
All the credit to the HATARI TEAM ( ) and to the PS3DEV team .————————————————————
Know Problems:
– Works only with a keyboard & a mouse cnx to the ps3 !
– Some pb with SDL1.2 hatari code (ex: code Keysym 1.2 different from 1.3) so i make quick dirty hack , not all the keys are working
and it’s seem to break a lot keyrepeat .– Hatari & sdlgui use partial screen update , and PS3 SDL don’t have hardware cursor code , so i make another quick & very bad hack to
show something we can call a mouse pointer (hum i know it’s a square) and force the gui redraw , this make the gui very bad and slow,
and there is a big lag between mouse action and screen update. Apologize for this.– In fullscreen mode Gui seem not working correctly so change to desktop mode if needed.
– XMB seem to freeze PS3 when calling from home button so exit from the gui or AltGr-Q combo.
– I ve not tested all the option , just few games , so maybe other pb around …
Sorry for all this problems but i hope you enjoy anyway ( i mean Atari lovers ) somes old good games .
Quick Install & Start:
– Create somes dir in /dev_hdd0/ :
/dev_hdd0/HOMEBREW and /dev_hdd0/HOMEBREW/ST/ and /dev_hdd0/HOMEBREW/ST/TOS/ and /dev_hdd0/HOMEBREW/ST/CONF/
– Put a valid tos named “rom” in:
– Put some ST/MSA dsk in :
– Install the pkg .
works only with a keyboard & a mouse !
joystick:LSTICK= JOY MOVE CROSS= Button1 SQUARE= button2
Per tutti coloro che sono interessati di seguito il download—> LINK
Have Fun!