Home Microsoft Xbox c4eva rilascia il nuovo “Silver Bullet”

c4eva rilascia il nuovo “Silver Bullet”


Sembra che c4eva mantenga sempre le proprie promesse, infatti solo qualche giorno fa aveva annunciato che la sua nuova modifica l’iXtreme LT + 3.0 sarebbe uscita alla vigilia di Natale. E come promesso eccola qua , la nuova modifica è compatibile con i lettori BenQ e Lite-On (2510) per i rimanenti verranno rilasciati in seguito essendo ancora in fase di testing.

Ma andiamo a vedere le parole del coder…

When ap25 was first introduced I devised a way of calculating any challenge which I called the silver bullet which I made reference to a long time ago.
This was withheld until it was absolutely necessary.





It was easier to replay the fixed challenges.

With unique per console ap25 challenges it has become necessary to use the silver bullet.

A series of measurements are taken across the disk.





This topology data is then used to calculate a response to any ap25 challenge.

It is very important that the drive used to create the topology data is reliable at reading discs as bad topology data equals bad ap25 responses.





Liteon drives using 0800 v3 seem to be more accurate for this purpose. Only ap25 enabled titles require topology data. Activation of ap25 on older non-ap25 games although technically possible is highly unlikely.





Currently topology data for xgd3 titles are similar and topology data from one xgd3 title will pass on another xgd3 title although this is not advisable.



Per title title topology data is best as there are slight differences between titles and newer titles could have different topology than existing ones.



I would like to wish everyone a merry xmas and a happy new year.





I look forward to the challenges ahead.




hanks go to Team Jungle for their hard work and efforts in the development p

Thanks also go to Team Xecuter for their support to this project.


 E’ stato rilasciato anche il nuovo Xbox Backup Creator per supportare la nuova modifica, il nuovo abgx sarà rilasciato molto presto.

Come sempre, per il download cercate su google, visto che porzioni di codice del FW sono coperte dal copyright Microsoft e non siamo autorizzati ad hostarle sul nostro sito.

Buon Natale a tutti!


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