Il famoso sviluppatore PsDev, noto per il suo lavoro su programmi come Ps3 Tools Gui Edition, ha rilasciato un semplice ma efficace script, che aiuterà gli sviluppatori della scena PSvita a decriptare i file di aggiornamento (.PUP) mostrando loro le informazioni di base, come i file di licenza.
Lo script è meglio conosciuto come “PS Vita Magic Reader“.
Come al solito sconsigliamo l’uso di questo programma ai meno esperti.
Vi lascio alle dichiarazioni di PsDev:
A while back as a test I made Magic Reader v1 that extracted the Magic (SCEUF), the FW version and license.xml out of the Vita PUP. Well I just added a extraction for the whole Vita Header of PUP.
This script extracts the following:
[*]PUP Version
[*]Package Version
[*]Image Version
[*]File Count
[*]Header length
[*]Package length
[*]A Unknown bit of values 0×50 in length
[*]HeaderHashAlso later I’ll add a FileTable extractor. which is determined by the FileCount.
This is a linux script and will run in any linux environment.
# PsDev 2012. this script extract the PUP magic.
#Edit from PsiColio lv1.self extractrion
#just extracts the header info from a vita pup, good for comparison kinda useless atm and most likely always.# File names to extract from the PUP
Extract=( “Magic” “PUPVersion” “License.xml” “PackageVersion” “ImageVersion” “FileCount” “HeaderLength” “PakageLength” “UNKNOWN” “FileTable” “HashTable” “HeaderHash” )#length starting from the offset and it ending in the offsets total length
length=( 0×8 0×10 0x724B4 0×8 0×8 0×8 0×8 0×8 0×50 0×20 0×40 0×20) #how many long the file is how much to copy, for example the Magic starts at 0×0 and the length is 0×8 bytes.#offset of the Magic, Version and License
offset=( 0×0 0x9FF 0xC00 0×8 0×10 0×18 0×20 0×28 0×30 0×80 0×100 0×130 ) #where the file dump begins in the hex.cont=0
printf “____________________________n”
printf ” PsDev n”
printf ” Magic Reader n”
printf “____________________________ nn”for file in “${Extract[@]}” #tells it for a file look in Extract = the the file names
printf “____________________________ n”
printf ” %sn” “${file}” #file name
printf “____________________________ n”
printf “offset= %sn” “${offset[$cont]}” #tells offset of file
printf “length= %sn” “${length[$cont]}” #tells total offset length of file
printf “%sn” “${cont}”dd if=$1 of=$file bs=1 obs=1 skip=$((${offset[$cont]})) count=$((${length[$cont]}))
cont=$(($cont+1)) # make sure the usage is “./ PSP2UPDAT.PUP”
How to:
Make a new file named “”
Run “chmod +x” to give to execution permissions
Now in terminal run it. “./ PSP2UPDAT.PUP” It will output the three files in the folder/location the scripts located in.
Example out of the old Terminal LOG in v1, not updated there is a lot more files:
offset= 0×0
length= 0×8
8+0 records in
8+0 records out
8 bytes (8 B) copied, 0.0153084 s, 0.5 kB/s
offset= 0x9FF
length= 0×10
16+0 records in
16+0 records out
16 bytes (16 B) copied, 0.0528894 s, 0.3 kB/s
offset= 0xC00
length= 0x724B4
Per tutti coloro che vogliono più informazioni vi rimandiamo al Vita Dev Wiki—> LINK