Home Microsoft Xbox Dashlaunch 3.01 rilasciato per XBox360

Dashlaunch 3.01 rilasciato per XBox360


Dashlaunch torna alla ribalta, il programma , indispensabile per tutti coloro che anche pensato di modificare la propria console con RGH o JTAG, si aggiorna alla versione 3.01 introducendo tante novità tutte da leggere. Per chi ancora non conosce l’applicazione, vi ricordiamo che, dashlaunch permette di aggiungere tante caratteristiche (come protezioni anti-ban) alle console RGH o JTAG.

Ma andiamo a vedere la changelog con il rispettivo download.

Chagelog dashlaunch versione 3.01:

 – add Russian translation
– add Spanish translation – thanks Gromber!
– add German translation – thanks Tuxuser!
– altered DNS blocker to fail dns requests on block instead of succeed to loopback address (speed improvement)
– fakelive now forces DNS blocker to be on (thanks uzi for the heads up! IG 4tw!)
– installer: launch button now can launch indie games, they MUST be in their proper content path to detect/work
autosets fakelive (and dns blocker) on when launching indie games via installer
– going to system settings from installer now goes to official system settings (if nosysexit is not true)
– added new option “shuttemps” which displays temperature data on the shutdown scene (hold guide down)
thanks to Dwack for the idea, sorry it took so long
– added basic ftp (based on ftpdll)
– reduced default bootdelay to 0x1E
– new option ‘devprof’ allows devkit profiles to work on retail firmware
note any changes such as saving games or getting achievements will resign the profile with the current/retail keyvault
this seems not to affect glitch/jtag dev crossflash, but could affect true devkits
– new option ‘devlink’ to allow system link with devkits, ping limit is still separate (thanks Anthony for devlink!)
– updated patches to remove CON sig checks, remove restrictions on xekeys (thanks Redline!) and add hvpeek api to keyed syscall
– add glitch2 to xelllaunch, force file sizes to be 4 byte aligned (thanks Juvenal!)
– nxe disk installs can now be started like GOD containers
– blacklist devkit firmware during installation checks
– changed dlaunchGetOptInfo to give a more useful category instead of the internal bitmask
– changed filters to be inline and use the new categories
– add external options to the ini file (ftpserv, ftpport)
– can launch elf via embedded xell stage1 (thanks libxenon devs!)
– added info button in misc page
– show CPU key, DVD key, console ID, console serial number, MAC address and decrypted XVal (0 is no violations)
– allows adjusting fan settings and smc_config target temps and optionally saves them to flash
– added external option calaunch for config app, so it will start in the launch option instead of normal options
– load external skin/background/font to memory so the files are no longer held open
– prevent dash launch from taking over signin, create profile (was waiting infintely) and skip in metro startup/login screen
– change trap hook method so nate’s awesome xbdm does not break across load/unload of dash launch


Come potete notare un grande cambiamento che semplifica e migliora l’applicazione per eccezione per XBox RGH/JTAG.

Per tutti coloro che sono interessati vi rimandiamo al download diretto—>LINK EliteModScene

Vi lasciamo al video che mostra molte delle potenzialità di Dashlaunch.





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