Home News Rilasciato Rockbot: Gioco homebrew per PSP

[Scena PSP] Rilasciato Rockbot: Gioco homebrew per PSP


Il developer Protomank ha rilasciato la versione BETA 4 di un gioco homebrew per console PSP, si tratta di Rockbot alla versione 1.0.

Questo giochino è ispirato dall’omonima serie di videogiochi a piattaforme della Capcom: Megaman e Rockman, visto che si tratta di una versione BETA l’homebrew potrebbe presentare qualche bug, andiamo a vedere qui di seguito tutte le caratteristiche e i problemi noti:

Nuove funzionalità:

  • Memory leaks fixed
  • Killing NPCs drop items
  • Editable colorcycle
  • Editable link to final boss teleporter room (one has 8, other has 9 teleporters)
  • Editable “can fly” property for NPCs
  • Better edition for boss faces on stage
  • Do not show empty dialogs
  • Editable Artifical Inteligences for non-boss NPCs
  • Fix the old scroll-lock (screen not moving) bug
  • Disappearing blocks
  • NPCs returning after dead when out-of-screen
  • Logic in editor for jet and coil items
  • Logic in game for drop items
  • Save on quit/leave
  • Fix sound in PS2
  • Can set NPC weapons (2) on editor
  • New font, new music, new graphics
  • SEVERAL, and I mean really SEVERAL bug fixes
  • Interrupt charging on door, death and when leaving stage
  • Save Castle stages
  • Password system
  • PSP Port
  • 5 Skull Castle stages (with no NPCs yet)

Problemi noti:

  • Apebot’s stage is abnormally slow in handhelds
  • Using L/R with no boss beaten shows an invalid weapon with skull as icon
  • Placing Coil item to your left makes player under it, being not able to move until it disappears

Download: Rockbot 1.0 beta 4 – PSP


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