Home Microsoft Xbox Rogero 360 Multi Builder si aggiorna alla versione 0.90

Rogero 360 Multi Builder si aggiorna alla versione 0.90


L’applicazione per eccellenza per tutti coloro che amano “smanettare” con la propria XBox 360 si aggiorna alla versione 0.90, introducendo tante piccole novità

Di seguito la changelog con il rispettivo download.

360_Multi_Builder_v0.90 on 10/03/2012 

  • Added Xenon support for both Xell/ECC and RGH builds. (Credits to Team-Xecuter)
  • Added Jasper 16MB small Block support (config 01198010) to Jasper 16MB build options. (This must be used only with some rare Jasper consoles with Nand Controller Config 01198010)
  • Added the option to build Slim/Trinity RGH image with FCRT check Disabled. (This is needed in rare scenarios,example: using FAT drive to swap Slim non-Flashable drive)
  • Added full SMC hacks to JTAG builds (AUD_CLAMP, AUD_CLAMP+TRAY_OPEN and CYGNOS360)
  • Added latest xell v0.991 to ECC image creation (already added before to RGH/JTAG images)
  • Changed the main executable package to avoid the false positive problems with “Antivir”
  • Changed the Folders Organization to prevent any accidental files deletion (Now the User have to work with only one folder “Data\_my_images\” to add/remove files)
  • The Program now uses a Full CB Compatibility Table to check the CB for JTAG/RGH compatibility.
  • Replaced the Python Script responsable for ECC creation with a proper executable.

Per tutti coloro che utilizzano il programma di seguito il rispettivo download—-> LINK

Have Fun!


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